Cuts, fittings, other shapes

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Cuts, fittings, other shapes
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1-20 of 48 products are available

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  Material Number - alloy Location ▲ Origin Surface Type Description Order number Position number Number of pieces Total
Quantity (kg)
Min deliverable
quantity (kg) - lot
2.4851 - 601H PL, 41-200 unknown, see information 8.45 8.45 €0.00 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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2.4068 DE, 46149 DE unknown, see information 7.00 7.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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1.4563 DE, 46149 DE unknown, see information 26.00 26.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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1.4563 DE, 46149 DE unknown, see information 1.00 1.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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1.4562 DE, 46149 DE unknown, see information 1.00 1.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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1.4571 - 316Ti DE, 46149 unknown, see information 70.00 70.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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1.4571 - 316Ti DE, 46149 unknown, see information 15.00 15.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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1.4571 - 316Ti DE, 46149 unknown, see information 2.00 2.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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1.4571 - 316Ti DE, 46149 unknown, see information 11.00 11.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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1.4541 - 321 DE, 46149 unknown, see information 19.00 19.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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1.4541 - 321 DE, 46149 unknown, see information 56.00 56.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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1.4541 - 321 DE, 46149 unknown, see information 3.00 3.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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1.4541 - 321 DE, 46149 unknown, see information 43.00 43.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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1.4541 - 321 DE, 46149 unknown, see information 9.00 9.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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1.4541 - 321 DE, 46149 unknown, see information 13.00 13.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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1.4541 - 321 DE, 46149 unknown, see information 2.00 2.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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2.4605 - 59 DE, 46149 unknown, see information 8.00 8.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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2.4605 - 59 DE, 46149 unknown, see information 5.00 5.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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2.4605 - 59 DE, 46149 unknown, see information 5.00 5.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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2.4605 - 59 DE, 46149 unknown, see information 2.00 2.00 €1.10 / kg Negotiate
1 lot(s)
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